Videography - events i promotional video

Promo video or an event documentary?

For more than 5 years we’ve been making great promotional videos and event documentation. From small one-DSLR run’n’gun videos to a full-video-crew shoot with a truckload of equipment.

DSLR vide­ogra­phy in War­saw is what we do. Mainly short cine­ma­tic forms, inc­lu­ding: pro­mo­tio­nal videos, music videos, event reports, motion design, interviews.
Filmwanie video specjalistycznym sprzętem
We usu­ally record lec­tu­res and con­fe­ren­ces with a mini­mum of 2 came­ras to give dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves of the event. For clear sound we usu­ally use wire­less micro­ports to get clean and reverb-less audio direc­tly from the speaker.
Sprzęt audio używany do filmowanie video
When we dont use our eqip­ment to make great videos, we run film equ­ip­ment ren­tal in War­saw. Addi­tio­nal income helps us to deve­lop our servi­ces even more.
  More details and a full video portfolio at  

Let us know what you're up to, we can pro­ba­bly help.
